
Indiana Bones da lovitura din nou…sau nu?!

Cursurile de vară sunt în floare la Shakespeare School iar cursanții se distrează de minune.

Unul dintre elevii nostri, Codrin Vasile, a fost atât de impresionat de cursul “Around the World in 10 Days with National Geographic”, încât a scris o povestioară foarte amuzantă despre descoperirea mormântului unui cunoscut rege mayaș, “Great Fiery Jaguar Paw“.

Dar mai bine îl lasam pe Codrin să vă spună povestea căci se pricepe de minune!


It was a dark day. Indiana Bones was searching for the Great Fiery Jaguar Joe’s tomb. He and his friend Shorts E. were just about to put a rope on the floor. After three minutes, they succeeded. That rope was an electric one, so they could see what was underground. After one hour, Bones cried:
” Watch!”
“Yeah, Henry, where’s my watch?”
“No, Short-Brain, watch this!”
Shorts E. watched the computer screen.
“But, but, but, there is an empty space”
“Right, and it is 3X2 metres, the perfect space for a Maya King’s tomb!”
“Cool! I should start digging and singing.”

We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig the whole day through,
To dig dig dig dig dig dig dig is what we really like to do!
It ain”t no trick to get rich quick,
If you dig dig dig with a shovel or a pick.
We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig from early morn” till night,
We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig up everything in sight.
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho,
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho,
Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho,
Heigh-ho, Heeeeeeigh-hooooooo!

And he dug for four months, three weeks and two days. At last, seven metres left till the underground. Indiana Bones was very excited.
“They will make another movie starring me! Maybe it will be called Indiana Bones and the Tomb of the Maya King. Not, that sounds very bad… What about…”
“Hey Bones, come down here! I found the door to the empty space.”
Indy’s hand was at his nose.
” That’s what I call scuba-digging”, he smiled, jumping down.
Underground, Indy cried:
“You didn’t tell me there are seven metres down”
“But, you didn’t ask me”
Well, the door was locked.
“Hmmm… german design… we need a Grimm 1001 key, said Indy. Or… easier… give me the gun.”
“I think you forgot it up”
The ladder fell…
” Well, we still need a Grimm 1001 key”
“I’ve got one!”
“Wow! That’s lucky!”
Indiana Bones came into the room. There was a tomb. He opened it, but… it was empty!
Shorts E. and Indy started crying, but they couldn’t see that right in their back was written in the Maya, English and French languages the same thing: If you open this door, you’ll reach the tomb of Great Fiery Jaguar Joe.

At last, there won’t be another Indiana Bones film…… soon…


The Authorized Shakespeare School Reporter,
Codrin Vasile

Felicitări, Codrin!!!

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