Eseu castigator 15-19 ani – Premiul Juriului (Mazare Alexandru Stefan)

The Colony, by Alexandru Stefan Mazare, student at Gheorghe Vranceanu National College, Bacau One summer evening while I was walking home, I heard the delightful sound of the cricket and I remembered the old story about the hard-working ant and the cricket. What if the ant had stopped just a minute from her work and […]

Eseu castigator 11-14 ani – Premiul Juriului (Mindru Ruxandra)

The Freedom to Fly, by Ruxandra Mindru, student at National College, Piatra Neamt I was in a room… Dark, cold, terrifying in its rigidity. Far away, a pale light lingered. I tried to run towards it, but something frozen grabbed my neck and hit my back. I fell to my knees. It was all so […]

O noua vara COOL cu Shakespeare School

Parca mai ieri vorbeam despre examenele de sfarsit de an pentru care ne pregateam cu    fervoare. Eforturile noastre nu au ramas nerasplatite nici anul acesta, iar rezultatele obtinute la examene au fost pe masura! Si cum la Shakespeare School pana si timpul trece ALTFEL, iata-ne deja ajunsi la sfarsitul primelor serii de Cursuri de […]