
Eseu castigator 11-14 ani – Premiul Special (Luca Diana Simina)

Dream World, by Diana Simina Luca, student at National College, Sibiu

Our job requires lots of talent, Opal. You need to know what your client wants to hear and how to use that for your benefit.

–         Do you mean lying, mother?

Madam Safira and her daughter Opal, were having this conversation when they were interrupted by to middle-aged women.

–         Excuse me is this Madam Safira”s tent, the fortune teller? asked one of them.

–         I am Madam Safira and this is my daughter, Opal. Please have a seat.

–         My sister here, Madam Bernard, thinks that the future is going to be a dreamy wonderland.

–         But my sister, Madam Flabber, considers the future as the end of the world, so we came to you to tell us about the real future.

–         You came to the right person, because I know all about the future. Opal, bring me my crystal globe!

As her mother was preparing for her new session, Opal couldn”t help staring at the two sisters. Madam Flabber, the pessimistic one, was older. She had gray hair, was wearing a green coat with a red scarf and on her head, something that looked like a stuffed cat. Madam Bernard, had ginger hair, a purple coat with a yellow scarf.

–         Let”s begin! I see an open window, blue sky and white little clouds. It means that there is no more pollution. There are a few kids running around. They pass by an old lady. She seems pretty healthy and does not need a stick to walk.

Now I see a mirror. The reflection is a lion, but the one looking in the mirror is a kitty. This means that there are no wars and everybody is getting along. The diseases and the pollution have vanished and with them hatred and enmity. This is how a wonderland should look like.

After both ladies paid and took off, Opal said:

–         You shouldn”t have lied to them, mother.

–         If more people believe, they will do something about it. If they do something about it, then they might change humanity.

Acest eseu este castigatorul premiului special in cadrul 2011 Shakespeare School Essay Competition, grupa de varsta 11-14 ani, avand ca tema descriere a unei lumi perfecte pornind de la 4 imagini sugestive. Premiul a constat  intr-un cadou surpriza din partea librariei Carturesti, o carte in limba engleza din seria penguin, de la Fischer International, voucher de reducere 25% la un curs de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, discount card oferit de Puma, cadou din partea Reprezentantei Comisiei Europene in Romania. Dorim sa o felicitam pe Diana pentru faptul ca s-a evidentiat din peste 5100 de eseuri trimise la concursul national de creatie in limba engleza organizat de Shakespeare School si ii uram mult succes in continuare!

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Shakespeare School și-a creat o metodă de predare a limbii engleze inovatoare, care reprezintă o aplicare originală a Teoriei Inteligențelor Multiple. 

Ce înseamnă, concret, metoda noastră?
Profesorii identifică și adaptează atmosfera din clasă și activitățile, astfel încât ele să răspundă intereselor și aptitudinilor fiecărui cursant în parte. Folosim o mare varietate de resurse pentru a oferi calea cea mai rapidă și ușoară spre învățare luând în considerare darul fiecărui cursant în parte.

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