
Going for gold- by Andreea Itu


Dear teachers, reporters, parents, boys and girls.

We’re the most creative kids of the ten worlds!

About the selection maybe you’ve found out.

But I’ll still tell you what it’s all about:


Shakespeare School has held, for the 2nd time,

An essay competition! We could not decline

So then we started writing, not with pen, with mind,

And thanks to imagination, it went out just right.


That’s why we’ve been chosen for the final round!

We were finalists, how fine it did sound!

From all around the country, we came take part into

A lovely, short, deciding English interview!


And now we are here, tensed and a bit nervous

Because we are all wishing that we‘ll become famous!

We’ve already taken one fabulous award,


But we most want to visit England, so we’ll, GO FOR GOLD!


This lovely poem was written by Andreea Itu, 13 years old, student at school. no. 149, who won an Honourable Mention at 2010 Shakespeare School Essay Competition.We will also post her winning essay next week. Thank you Andreea and we hope you will all go for gold!

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Shakespeare School și-a creat o metodă de predare a limbii engleze inovatoare, care reprezintă o aplicare originală a Teoriei Inteligențelor Multiple. 

Ce înseamnă, concret, metoda noastră?
Profesorii identifică și adaptează atmosfera din clasă și activitățile, astfel încât ele să răspundă intereselor și aptitudinilor fiecărui cursant în parte. Folosim o mare varietate de resurse pentru a oferi calea cea mai rapidă și ușoară spre învățare luând în considerare darul fiecărui cursant în parte.

Descoperă și tu metoda Shakespeare School în cadrul lecțiilor demo de limba engleză!

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