Those of you who are already taking this course know that it’s no piece of cake to deal with the course requirements!
You probably know by now that the FCE exam ( standing for First Certificate in English) comprises of five papers :
- Reading (60 minutes)
- Writing (80 minutes)
- Use of English (45 minutes)
- Listening (40 minutes)
- Speaking (15 minutes) …that this exam can be both paper-based or computer-based and the scores can be A, B, C (pass), D, E or U (fail) or that it can grant recognition of B2 / Upper intermediate level.
But how many of you are aware of the fact that this exam tests not your knowledge of the English language but also a series of cognitive skills that you are expected to develop during the exam preparation?
Well…in much simpler terms in order to pass this exam you have to prove two things: that you’re smart and that you are …quite mature! What I mean by this is that you should approach this exam like a grown-up and not hoping that if you don’t solve homework or skip classes no one will notice!
Before sitting this exam you will have to prove that you can be an effective autonomous learner. A fancy term, indeed, which actually comes down to a simple and quite ‘commonsenseical’ TO DO – List :
- Accept the responsibility of taking the FCE
- Become familiar with the expectations of the exam
- Do a great deal of homework
- Revise constantly
- Make effective use of course materials (such as the course book and practice exams)
- Develop the exam skills required by each part of the exam
Good Luck in all your exams and remember!
… For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward (Jim Rohn).