
Why should you take a CELTA qualification?

stock-footage-young-people-studying-at-the-library-girl-using-a-tablet-pc-instead-of-a-bookFrom a trainee’s point of view!

This question sounds the same as asking yourself:

“Why should I do something to grow?”

So what is Cambridge CELTA anyway? It’s an international qualification, which is recognized anywhere in the world, allowing you thus to teach English literally anywhere! For some candidates, it even brings extra confidence. This is what one of the teachers had to say: “The CELTA course gave me the tools to confidently stand in front of a class and teach. The quality of the content, the tutors and the overall experience were of the highest calibre. I recommend this course to anyone with an interest in an internationally recognised ESL teaching qualification.” Ben Sang, CELTA graduate, Auckland, New Zealand


A few important facts

The Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults is an international TEFL training and certification program. Originally known as the RSA Certificate, the program became the RSA/Cambridge CTEFLA in 1985. The name changed to RSA/Cambridge CELTA in 1996 and to Cambridge CELTA in 2001.

CELTA – Cambridge ESOL”s Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults is one of the world”s foremost initial qualifications for people who wish to become professional teachers of English language. It is accepted throughout the world by organisations which employ English language teachers. Cambridge ESOL works with international ELT organisations to ensure the acceptance of Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) globally. According to Cambridge ESOL more than 10,000 candidates complete a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) course each year.communicate

Why in Romania?

Shakespeare School has been hosting “Bright Teachers” seminars, which are quite popular. Our teachers actually share some of the interactive activities they do in class

to keep students focused and involved. A lot of teachers signed up for those, which got us thinking that there is a real interest in Romania for English teachers to become better and more qualified in what they do.

First of all, CELTA shows you how to consider teaching, from a student’s point of view. The tutors, all DELTA graduate (a teaching PhD) show you how to organize your lessons, so as to be student centered. Teachers in Romania tend to be the only ones who speak in class, because this is the reality we have been taught ourselves in university. We have something to teach, we write it on the board, mission accomplished. However, we don’t have time to get to the most beautiful part, the one that proves our lesson worked: the students use what they’ve learnt and communicate with their peers.

After two years of hard work applying to be a certified teacher training centre, we finally made it! We brought the Cambridge CELTA to Romania. The University of Cambridge provides the world’s leading range of qualifications for learners and teachers of English. Their expertise, gathered over 100 years of language learning and assessment, thus helping them work with educational institutions and local and regional governments around the world.

87770060Who can apply for a CELTA certificate?

In fact, CELTA candidates come from all walks of life. Most candidates see CELTA as the starting point of a long-term career in English Language Teaching (ELT). CELTA is suitable for those who wish to work in the field of ELT either within or outside their own country. Some candidates may have a short-term motive for teaching English and enroll on a CELTA course to gain the confidence and skills to teach English professionally. But more importantly, we think CELTA is also suitable for students working during their university, to gain practice. Applicants do not need to have English as their first language, but must have a standard of English which will enable them to teach at a range of levels.

Part of the information for this article was taken from the Cambridge Language Assessment official website. To join the CELTA course this summer, please visit

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Shakespeare School și-a creat o metodă de predare a limbii engleze inovatoare, care reprezintă o aplicare originală a Teoriei Inteligențelor Multiple. 

Ce înseamnă, concret, metoda noastră?
Profesorii identifică și adaptează atmosfera din clasă și activitățile, astfel încât ele să răspundă intereselor și aptitudinilor fiecărui cursant în parte. Folosim o mare varietate de resurse pentru a oferi calea cea mai rapidă și ușoară spre învățare luând în considerare darul fiecărui cursant în parte.

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