Iti place sa scrii si esti pasionat de limba engleza? Visezi sa experimentezi viata de licean la cursurile online de limba engleza marca Shakespeare School?
Atunci participa la editia a 14-a Shakespeare School Essay Competition si poti castiga un curs online de limba engleza la Shakespeare School dar si multe alte surprize!
Reteta succesului ti-o spunem noi: creativitate, originalitate si pasiune pentru limba engleza! Strange toate aceste ingrediente intr-un eseu in limba engleza si inscrie-te la concurs!
Are we witnessing the beginning of a new era in education? Do you think school, as we know it, will soon turn into online education? Which of the two types of study do you prefer?
Online education seemed to be the future of learning until the outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic brought a huge shift in the world education system and the online classes have actually taken center stage in students and teachers’ lives nowadays.
Internet livestreaming has managed to keep education alive but it is questionable if it can actually replace the traditional learning system. Nevertheless, both online and offline education have their own considerable set of advantages and disadvantages.
Write a 200–word essay in which you explain and describe what your favorite type of learning is and why.
Write a 200–word essay in which you explain and describe what your favorite type of learning is and why.
In your essay, you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
Write a 200–word essay in which you explain and describe what your favorite type of learning is and why.
In your essay, you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
Concursul este organizat de Asociatia Shakespeare School pentru Educatie – entitate non profit care sustine copiii si tinerii talentati din Romania, motivandu-i sa atinga performante deosebite si sa isi valorifice la maxim potentialul creativ.
Shakespeare School Essay Competition este un concurs national de creatie in limba engleza ce isi propune:
Termen limita: Toate eseurile trebuie sa fie trimise pana la data de 1 APRILIE 2022.