Somewhere Different, by Edina Ghenghe, student at School no.2, Sighetul Marmatiei
One day I woke up. I looked at the window. I had a strange feeling as if something was different. The window seemed so wide and clean. But something was indeed different as out of the window I could see a whole new world appear.
Suddenly I felt like eating strawberries. I could even smell their sweet scent and it was as if I could see the big fresh strawberries. The next moment I found myself on a field full of them. I looked all around me trying to find a clue to help me understand what had happened.
“Look, there is a crystal ball,” I told myself. “That is really odd.” I looked inside and what did I see? I saw an old lady with a golden walking stick surrounded by children. She was teaching them something. I looked more closely at the lady and I seemed to recognize the eyes. They were old and wrinkled but they were definitely … wait, they were mine.
The woman came to me. She was wearing a white gown and she was surrounded by butterflies.
“Where am I?” I asked her.
“Welcome to Somewhere Different! Here, lies and fake things don’t exist. Here, you can be who you want to be. You do not need to pretend. Nobody will judge you.”
Next, she was pointing to a mirror. In front of it there was a cat, but the image reflected by the mirror was totally different. It was a big courageous lion. It was then that I realized how much appearances could be deceiving.
“This is not the world I am used to living in. This looks like the perfect world to live in. In my world we are surrounded by illusions.”
“You have to go back now,” she told me. “But you can take one object with you.”
“I’ll take the mirror. It will help me see the people for who they really are.”
That unbelievable experience helped me realize that lies and pretending would not help our world to get better. Only the truth would.
Acest eseu este castigatorul unei mentiuni in cadrul 2011 Shakespeare School Essay Competition, grupa de varsta 11-14 ani, avand ca tema o descriere a unei lumi perfecte pornind de la 4 imagini sugestive. Premiul a constat intr-un cadou surpriza din partea librariei Carturesti, dictionare Cambridge/Oxford + CD ROM sau album British Churches, de la Fischer International , un voucher pentru achizitionarea de articole sportive din Puma – Cotroceni, un voucher de reducere 50% la orice curs de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, un rucsac si alte surprize din partea British Council Romania. Dorim sa o felicitam pe Edina pentru faptul ca s-a evidentiat din peste 5100 de eseuri trimise la concursul national de creatie in limba engleza organizat de Shakespeare School si ii uram mult succes in continuare!