Daddy’s shoes are too big!, by Alexandru Hodivoianu
Ring! Ring! Ring!
It’s six o’clock and the alarm clock goes RIIIIIING! What? I have to wake up? Already?? No way!I will just go back to sleep. Dad will wake me up later…Wait a minute! I almost forgot. The pill that Doctor Aliontus (the specialist from Shakespeare Research Centre) gave us yestarday really works! I AM DAD.
Breakfast in a bun
Alex is already waiting for me in the kitchen. Actually, it’s my dad who will be me for a day. How cute he is! I look in the mirror and I am shocked: my hair is a bit grey, I have wrinkles around my eyes and I look so tired… Mum is preparing tea and sandwiches, but I am so depressed that I decide to do something crazy. I tell mum:”Stop, love, I’ll fix breakfast for you today!”. I grab three buns and I take three hamburgers out of the freezer. Ten minutes later we are all eating the most delicious hamburgers ever. I have to remember to tell mum to do the same tomorrow morning.
Nine to five
I’m in my office. the phone is ringing, my boss is screaming and my assistants are giving me papers to sign or asking for solutions to many problems. Everybody wants something from me. So THIS is work? And I thought school was difficult and boring. I have to do something about it! I tell everybody:”Today you can leave earlier. You have to go find a cool present for your children. Choose from computer games(Counter Strike,GTA4 or Infamous)for boys and Barbie games(Dress-up,Make-up)for girls.Tomorrow you must bring a review of the game from your child!”
Back to the family
I’m home again. I brought Alex an X BOX 360 console.He is so excited!He couldn’t believe it. If he is excited,wait and see how excited I will be tomorrow when I get to play with it . But Dad will have to find a way to pay for it. I am so glad I don’t have to worry about it! Yet! I will fix breakfast tomorrow morning, promise!
Acest eseu este castigatorul mentiunii in cadrul 2012 Shakespeare School Essay Competition, grupa de varsta 11-14 ani. Premiul a constat intr-un MP 3 PLAYER de la Vitastal Consulting, voucher de reducere in valoare de 250 RON pentru un curs de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti de la Fischer International si de la Carturesti. Il felicitam pe Alexandru pentru eseul lui care s-a evidentiat din alte mii de eseuri trimise la concursul national de creatie in limba engleza organizat de Shakespeare School si ii uram mult succes in continuare!