Angels- by Monica Popa, 11 years old, student at Carol I Gymnasium, Calarasi
If I could step in my hero’s world I would want to be in angel’s world. An angel saves many lives so he is a hero. Even if we don’t see them, they protect us all the time. All the night they watch us carefully. When we are big enough to take care of ourselves they go on holiday. They rest into the clouds, close to the sun and close to God. They pick flowers and drink juice. Their vacantion is over after a while. If I were in Heaven, an angel’s origine place, I would try to find the Heaven’s Gates. An angels knows the way but I don’t.
But today my dream came true. I am in heaven with my angel. I named my angel Bella. We have just entered heaven and she is taking me to their hotel. Their hotel rooms have the walls covered with grass and the carpets made of flowers. A little bed stays in a corner. A table to let your things there, things like the angel’s keys. Angel keys are the magical keys to the mirrors where they see the kid that they’re taking care of. A wardrope with clothes stays next to the table. The clothes are: their dresses, or their suits, and a pair of pretty ballet shoes. I asked Bella if it isn t uncomfortable to sleep with the wings. She said that it’s not because their wings can dissapear if they don’t need to fly anymore. I am fascinated by Heaven. Bella wanted to show me God’s garden. I accept. I took my jacket and started to follow Bella. When we arrived there I saw many people walking. These people are dead…do you understand?Bella asked. Yes,I did understood! They were good people when they were alive so now they’re in Heaven. I asked Bella how she became an angel. She said that God let the people that get to Heaven to choose if they want to be angels or just to live here. So she chose to be an angel….I looked at her for a second and than I realized that Bella died young. But I called her Bella, what was her real name?I asked her and said she didn t remember.
Unfortunately it was time to go….I said bye to Bella and woke up from my real dream.
Acest eseu este castigatorul unei mentiuni in cadrul 2010 Shakespeare School Essay Competition, grupa de varsta 11-14 ani, avand ca tema “Imagine you could step into your hero’s world for one day”. Premiul a constat intr-un discount de 50% la orice curs intensiv de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, precum si in carti si alte cadouri de la Diverta si Fischer International. Dorim sa o felicitam pe Monica pentru faptul ca s-a evidentiat din peste 3100 de eseuri trimise la concursul national de creatie in limba engleza organizat de Shakespeare School si ii uram mult succes in continuare!