My heart was diving in an ocean of tears.
I closed my eyes thight. I held my breath and I fell in a deep silence .
I woke up with sunshine playing in my long dark hair. I walk along the empty room and opened the window. I felt the crystal air on my skin. It felt so good. I still felt the sting of the pain but I’ve got dressed throught the mess and put a smile on my innocent face.
As I walked in the bathroom all my thoughts flew far away from my mind.
A beautiful lady was standing in front of me and staring. I could see the surprise in her brown eyes. She looks a lot like me but we still different. She’s got my freaky smile or maybe I’ve got hers. I was looking in the mirror and realized that the person I was staring at was my mother.
Something hit my heart hard and it started to beat very fast.
I wasn’t me anymore so I decided to enjoy this wonderful day. What will I do? I can feel on my shoulders all the things my mother has to carry everyday.
I should set her heart free and let it fly far aways from all the worries.
I let the cold water fall on my skin. I look at the mirror once again .
I saw a beautiful face staring at it . I could read in her eyes all the love she holds for me .
Her red lips colud tell the best story I’ve ever heard.
As I dressed up I decided to do all the thinghs my mother loves and make her lips turn into the most beautiful smile the world has ever seen. I held my breath ,opened the huge window in frot of me and let the blue sky catch me. All her worries that she holds on her shoulders fell on the ground and turned into little sparklyng lights. I fell on a cloud and watched the whole world staring at me. At my mothers beautiful smile.
Acest eseu este castigatorul premiului oferit din partea juriului in cadrul 2012 Shakespeare School Essay Competition, grupa de varsta 11-14 ani. Premiul a constat intr-un voucher de reducere in valoare de 200 de lire pentru o tabara de limba engleza de 2 saptamani in Anglia oferit de Mirunette International Education, carti de la Fischer International si de la Carturesti si materiale promotionale de la Vitastal Consulting. O felicitam pe Miruna pentru eseul ei care s-a evidentiat din alte mii de eseuri trimise la concursul national de creatie in limba engleza organizat de Shakespeare School si ii uram mult succes in continuare!