Editia 2021
Lansare: ianuarie 2021
- Peste 9.500 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Cursuri online de limba engleza – oferite de Shakespeare School
- Vouchere la cursurile online de limba engleza – oferite de Shakespeare School
- Taxe de inscriere la Examenele Cambridge – oferite de British Council
- Taxe de inscriere la Testul Aptis – oferite de British Council
- Manuale pregatire Examene Cambridge English – oferite de Cambridge University Press
- Carti limba engleza – oferite de Fischer International
- Materiale digitale si acces la aplicatii online pentru studiul limbii engleze – oferite de Cambridge Assessment English
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din toate judetele tarii)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Ilie Victor Cristian – Colegiul National Nichita Stanescu Ploiesti / Paulesti
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Silivestru Denisa – Colegiul Dobrogean „Spiru Haret” / Tulcea
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Stanciu Amalia – C.N. „Al. I. Cuza” Ploiesti / Ploiesti
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Chivulescu Dariana – Colegiul National „Gib Mihaescu” / Dragasani
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Ciucan Luca – Liceul Teoretic „Ioan Pretus” / Otopeni
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Sfarlea Bogdan George – Liceul de Informatica „Tiberiu Popoviciu” / Cluj-Napoca
- Profesor castigator: dna. profesor Andrei Elena
Tema 2021 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
Five valuable lessons I learnt in 2020
This past year has been a year like no other before! It has transformed our lives and changed the way we live and study and also the way we see the world around us. Moreover, every part of the world has been affected one way or the other, and almost every aspect of life has been changed.
What happened in 2020, will most likely stay in our hearts and minds for a long time. That is why, it is important to look back and reflect on the many lessons this past year has taught each of us.
Write a 200-word essay in which you tell us about the five most valuable lessons you have learnt in the past year.
In your essay you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- The importance of being grateful for the really important matters in our lives. What are these things in your opinion?
- Abilities you never thought you had before: Were you able to do something you have never seen yourself capable of before? What?
- Friendship: Have your friends supported you this year? Do you have the same friends as before?
- How important has you family been during the past year?
- Have you ever felt alone? How did you communicate with the important people in your life?
Tema 2021 Essay Competition – Categoria 15-19 ani
Five valuable lessons I learnt in 2020
This past year has been a totally unforeseen year! It has turned our lives upside down and changed not just the way we live and study but also how we perceive and react to the world around us. What is more, every part of the world has been affected, and every aspect of life has been impacted somehow. Our everyday routines were changed, and we had to get acquainted to ‘the new normal’.
What happened in 2020, will most likely stay in our hearts and minds for a long time. That is why, it is important to look back and reflect on the many lessons the past year has taught each of us.
Write a 250-word essay in which you tell us about which are the five most valuable lessons you have learnt in the past year.
In your essay you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- People tend to take the things they have for granted. Why should we be aware of and grateful for what we have?
- Understanding we are beyond capable: Were you able to do something you have never seen yourself capable of before? What?
- Friendship: some people are friends and some people are just acquaintances. Do you have the same friends as before?
- How important has your family been during this past year? How has your view on the importance of family changed?
Being alone in isolation doesn’t mean being lonely so how well did you adapt to the new means of communication?
Editia 2020
Lansare: ianuarie 2020
- Peste 4000 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Cursuri online de limba engleza – oferite de Shakespeare School
- Vouchere la cursurile online de limba engleza – oferite de Shakespeare School
- Taxe pentru examene Cambridge – oferite de British Council
- Pachet Discover Me – consiliere educationala online – oferit de High Edu
- Cursuri online “Points of View” – sesiune de grup oferita de High Edu
- Cursuri online “Motivatie – certitudinea reusitei” – oferit de High Edu
- Vouchere la cursurile online – oferite de High Edu
- Materiale digitale si acces la aplicatii online pentru studiul limbii engleze – oferite de Cambridge Assessment English
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din toate judetele tarii)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Mara Ioana Joarza, Scoala Gimnaziala “Alexandru Ceusianu”, Reghin.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Gurau Stefania-Sorana, Liceul Teoretic “Nicolae Iorga”, Bucuresti.
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Zene Grace, Colegiul National “Moise Nicoara”, Arad.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Bucur Alexandru, Colegiul National de Informatica “Tudor Vianu”, Bucuresti.
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Butu Sebastian, Colegiul National “Iancu de Hunedoara”, Hunedoara.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Cumpanasu Catalina, Colegiul National “Iancu de Hunedoara”, Hunedoara.
- Profesor castigator: dna. profesor Iulia Manicea
Tema 2020 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
Imagine a world where teachers are replaced by A.I.
At present, mankind is facing unprecedented changes brought about by the emergence of AI and many jobs have already disappeared as a result of technological evolution. Will teaching ever be one of these disappearing jobs?
In a world where children spend most of their free time on-line, in the virtual reality of games or social networking sites, it is the teachers’ role at school to keep them connected to the real world. As ‘knowledge’ is now only one click away, instead of providing us with more information, teachers have to help us understand it and decide what is important for us and what is not. The final goal of teachers is thus to help students understand the world we live in.
But as in education the only constant so far is change, a world where online courses and robots replace school as we know it is not impossible!
Write a 200-word essay in which you tell us what this world would be like.
In your essay you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- Do we control technology or does technology control us? Will AI want to teach us how to control AI?
- Can robots really teach us how to think for ourselves?
- Can a human teacher really teach students new notions if information can be accessed whenever we need it?
- What makes a really good teacher, intelligence or emotions?
- What kind of skills will students need to learn in 2100 in order to get a job? Who will
teach them?
Tema 2020 Essay Competition – Categoria 15-19 ani
Imagine a world where teachers are replaced by A.I.
At present, mankind is facing unprecedented changes brought about by the emergence of AI and many jobs have already disappeared as a result of technological evolution. Will teaching ever be one of these jobs?
In a world where young people tend to become submerged into virtual reality, teachers and schools act like anchors connecting them to the real world of knowledge and social interaction. As enormous amounts of information are now one click away, it has also become the teachers’ responsibility to help pupils churn it and make sense of it so as to get the broad picture of the ‘reality’ we inhabit.
In education, nevertheless, the only constant is change, so a world where online courses an robots replace school as we know it is not impossible!
Write a 250-word essay in which you explain and describe what this world would be like. In your essay you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- Do the ever-evolving technologies make our lives easier or enslaves us? Will AI want to teach us how to control and harness AI?
- Can robots really teach us how to think autonomously?
- Can a human teacher really teach pupils to learn efficiently with such huge amounts of information available all the time?
- Which are more important in teaching, intelligence or consciousness and emotional bonds?
- What kind of skills will a student need to learn in 2100 in order to get a job? From whom?
Editia 2019
Lansare: ianuarie 2019
- Peste 4400 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Tabere de vara de limba engleza in UK, la Oxford Brookes University (in valoare de 1800 lire fiecare)
- Cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School
- Smartwatch
- Taxa pentru examene Cambridge
- Voucher avion Mirunette
- Rucsac, tricou, carti si rechizite
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 480 de localitati din toate judetele)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Viulet Maria, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 49, Bucuresti.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Lazar Stefan, Colegiul German „Goethe”, Bucuresti.
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Calin Andrei, Scoala nr. 186 Elena Vacarescu, Bucuresti.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Giusca Andreea,Colegiul National „Gheorghe Sincai”, Bucuresti.
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Serban Ioana, Colegiul National Pedagogic „Constantin Brătescu”, Constanta.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Calugareanu Ioana, Colegiul National „Moise Nicoara”, Arad.
- Profesor castigator: dna. profesor Aurelia Bazbanela
Tema 2019 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
A World with no Rules
Society is based on rules. As humanity has evolved, so have the rules its existence is based on.
Imagine one day all these rules disappeared and people could do whatever they wanted and act however they liked!
Write a 200-word essay in which you tell us what this world would be like.
In your essay you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- Would you feel freer without rules?
- Do you, yourself, make other people respect rules?
- Can all the rules disappear or just rules from certain domains, for example, grammar rules?
- Can people live a happier life without so many rules?
Tema 2019 Essay Competition – Categoria 15-19 ani
A World with no Rules
The mere formation and existence of human society is based on rules. As humanity and their reservoir of knowledge have evolved, so have the rules its existence is based on! New rules have stemmed from every new field of knowledge, have been refined and have eventually lead to the comfort of our modern lives. But aren’t they too many now?
Imagine one day all these rules disappeared and people could do whatever they wanted and act however they liked!
Write a 250-word essay in which you explain and describe what this world would be like.
In your essay you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- Can all the rules disappear or just rules from certain domains, for example grammar rules, political rules, moral rules or…the laws of physics?
- Would people feel freer without rules?
- Would life become easier, knowing that no one is imposing their rules against you?
- Are there any rules you impose on others?
Would society be better with fewer rules?
Editia 2018
Lansare: februarie 2018
- Peste 4100 de eseuri in limba englezaprimite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Tabere de vara de limba engleza in UK (la Bradfield College si la Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School
- Smartwatch
- Taxa pentru examene Cambridge
- Voucher avion Mirunette
- Voucher AppleDent
- Rucsac, tricou, carti si rechizite
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 608 de localitati din toate judetele)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Tache Clara Cristiana, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 1, Adunatii Copaceni, Giurgiu.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Tudorescu Alexandra Natalia, Colegiul National “Moise Nicoara”, Arad.
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Amza Ioana, Scoala Gimnaziala „Liviu Rebreanu”, Bucuresti.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Hinkov Ana-Maria,Colegiul German „Goethe”, Bucuresti.
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Bejan Maria-Ana, Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 29, Galati.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Halip Petronela, Colegiul National „Petru Rares”, Suceava.
- Profesor castigator: dna. profesor Iulia Manicea
Tema 2018 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
Message to my future self
When we look back on ourselves in the past, it’s surprising to see how much we have changed over time. Our experiences, our friends, our family and school have all shaped who each of us is right now. But where will we be in 15 years’ time?
We often give council and advice to others. Moreover, we usually think that advice is given by the elder to the youth, by a teacher to a student or a parent to a child. But what if the coin flips, and we, our present-day selves, offer advice to a 15 years older version of ourselves?
Write a 200-word essay in which you tell us what message you would send to your future self and why.
In your essay you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- What do you hope for yourself?
- What do you love about yourself?
- What do you want to change about yourself?
- What goals do you want to accomplish?
Tema 2018 Essay Competition – Categoria 15-19 ani
Message to my future self
When we look back on ourselves in the past, it’s surprising to see how much we have changed over time. Our experiences, our friends, our family and school have all shaped who each of us is right now. But where will we be in 15 years’ time?
We often give council and advice to others. Moreover, we usually think that advice is given by the elder to the youth, by a teacher to a student or a parent to a child. But what if the coin flips, and we, our present-day selves, offer advice to a 15 years older version of ourselves?
Write a 250-word essay in which you tell us what message you would send to your future self and why.
In your essay you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- What personality traits you should keep and how you should improve
- What you should never change about yourself
- What skills you hope you would have learnt in 15 years’ time and what you wish to accomplish
- The way society is and how you think it would change and how these changes would affect you
Editia 2017
Lansare: noiembrie 2016
- Peste 3800 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Tabere de vara de limba engleza in UK, Londra, la University College of London (UCL (in valoare de peste 1500 lire fiecare)
- Cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti, dictionare
- Smartwatch
- Taxa pentru examene Cambridge
- Voucher avion Mirunette
- Voucher AppleDent
- Rucsac, tricou, carti si rechizite
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 350 de localitati)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Mara Vasile (14 ani), eleva a Scolii Gimnaziale Herastrau din Bucuresti.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Zibileanu Maria Anne-Lisa (17 ani), Liceul Teoretic Grigore Moisil din Tulcea.
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Matei Cristea de la Clubul Copiilor Sector 6 – Bucuresti si Catalin Neagu de la Scoala Gimnaziala “Alexandru Odobescu” din Urziceni, judetul Ialomita
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Iulia Diana Sasu, de la Colegiul National Pedagogic “Constantin Bratescu” din Constanta si Radu Diaconescu, de la Colegiul National “Sf. Sava” din Bucuresti.
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Andrada Predescu de la Scoala Gimnaziala “Alexandru Davilla” din Pitesti, judetul Arges si Oriana Dumitru, de la Scoala Gimnaziala “Nicolae Titulescu” din Bucuresti.
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Ioana Cristina Popa, de la Colegiul National “Cantemir Voda” din Bucuresti si Rares Calota, de la Liceul Teoretic International de Informatica (ICHB) din Bucuresti.
Profesor castigator: dna. profesor Violeta Ivanof
Tema 2017 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
Are video games an addiction or a mind sport?
Describe your own views in a 200-word essay in which you mention what is your opinion about computer games. Do PC games cause dependence or are they a sport of the mind?
Initially ‘mind sport’ meant first of all chess. But that was before the evolution of science lead to the development of computer games. Soon enough, computer games have also been considered mind sports.
Computer games have become very complex and so children and teenagers dedicate much time to this activity. However, specialists do not consider excessive gaming a medical problem.
In your essay you can include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
– PC games help us develop logical thinking and hand-eye coordination.
– Computer games help teenagers learn more about using computers.
– Teenagers make new friends playing video games.
– Computer games promote violence, poor health and lead to neglecting school.
Tema 2017 Essay Competition – Categoria 15-20 ani
Are video games an addiction or a mind sport?
Describe your own views in a 250-word essay in which you mention whether you consider playing computer games is addictive or it is rather a sport of the mind.
Initially chess, cards games and board games were described as mind sports but as computer science rapidly evolved, other disciplines such as computer games or e-Sports (video game-based competitions) have been accepted and included on the list of mind sports.
As video games are becoming increasingly complex, fans dedicate more and more time to this activity. Some people argue that PC games cause dependence but gaming addiction is not yet officially recognized as a diagnosable disorder.
In your essay you can include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
– Playing computer games leads to cognitive development.
– Computer games help teenagers and young people become more skilled in using computers.
– Computer games promote violence and poor health.
– Computer games encourage/discourage social interaction.
Editia 2016
Lansare: noiembrie 2015
- Peste 3000 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Tabere de vara de limba engleza in UK: Leith Academy Edinburgh si Fettes College Edinburgh (in valoare de peste 1500 lire fiecare)
- Cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti, dictionare
- eBook Reader Kindle, casti Sony
- Taxa pentru examene Cambridge
- Carti si rechizite
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 350 de localitati)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Piron Eugen Marian (Scoala Gimnaziala “George Emil Palade”, Buzau)
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Bujoran Bogdan-Adrian (Colegiul National “Decebal”, Deva)
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Antohie Matei (Colegiul National “Costache Negri”, Galati)
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Minea Radu-Stefan (Colegiul National de Informatica “Tudor Vianu”, Bucuresti)
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: 2 castigatori:
- Baciu Andreea Cristina (Scoala nr.45 “Titu Maiorescu”, Bucuresti)
- Lehadus Karla (Scoala Gimnaziala “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Bacau)
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: 2 castigatori:
- Paun Ana Maria (Colegiul National “Iulia Hasdeu”, Bucuresti)
- Borcea Rares Ioan (Colegiul National „Constantin Carabella”, Targoviste, Dambovita)
Profesor castigator: dna. profesor Onica Monica Iuliana
Tema 2016 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
What can older people learn from you and your generation?
Describe your own views in a 200-word essay in which you mention how you define and measure success and what knowledge you could pass on to your parents.
Imagine you have just read the story of a father and his son. The son is 25 years old and, although his career as a singer doesn’t earn him much money, he enjoys what he does for a living. Therefore, the son is much happier than the father who is nevertheless richer. However, the son’s life-style made the father reconsider how success is measured.
Does being successful mean doing what you love most or earning much money? Does it mean exploring the world around you or is it something else entirely?
In your essay you can include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- Would you like to be happy like the son or rich like the father in the story?
- What is special and different about you and you education in comparison to your parents?
- What do you think you and others in your generation could teach older people?
- How would you define and measure success?
- Give us three examples of what you might like to teach your parents.
- Describe a time when your parents learned something from you.
Tema 2016 Essay Competition – Categoria 15-20 ani
What can older people learn from you and your generation?
Describe your own views in a 250-word essay in which you mention how you define and measure success and what knowledge you could pass on to your parents.
Imagine you have just read the story of a father and his son. The son is 25 years old and, although his career as a singer doesn’t earn him much money, he enjoys what he does for a living. Therefore, the son is much happier than the father who is nevertheless richer. However, the son’s life-style made the father reconsider how success is measured.
Does being successful mean doing what you love most or earning much money? Does it mean exploring the world around you or is it something else entirely?
In your essay you can include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- Do you relate more to the father or to the son?
- How would you define and measure success?
- What skills, attitudes and habits do you think people in your generation have that older people might benefit from?
- What do you think you and others in your generation could teach older people?
- Think of three examples of what you might like to teach your parents.
Editia 2015
Lansare: noiembrie 2014
- Peste 3000 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Tabere de vara de limba engleza in UK: University College London si Clifton College (in valoare de peste 1500 lire fiecare)
- Cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti, dictionare
- eBook Reader Kindle, casti Sony
- Taxa pentru examene Cambridge
- Carti si rechizite
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 350 de localitati)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Vladimir Ștefan Pechi (Colegiul National Grigore Moisil, Bucuresti)
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Andreea Badeu (Colegiul George Cosbuc, Bucuresti). Citeste AICI despre experienta Andreei in tabara castigata la UCL.
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Julia Romocea (Colegiul National de Arta “Ion Vidu”, Dumbravita, jud. Timis)
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Timea Koppandi (Liceul Dr.I.Mesota Brasov, jud. Brasov)
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Estera Beatrice Ștefănuți (Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Ion Creanga” Braila, jud. Braila)
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Simina Popescu (Liceul de Arte Plastice Nicolae Tonitza, Bucuresti)
Profesor castigator: dna. profesor Catalina Georgescu.
Tema 2014 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
How can we keep Planet Earth ‘green’ for the future generations?
Think green, speak green, act green and write a 200-word essay, in which you suggest an original way to use natural resources without polluting the environment.
Right now on Earth there are over 7 billion people and by 2050, we will reach a population of about 10 billion souls! There will be so many of us on this planet that we will have to become more and more creative to ensure the future generations all the natural resources they need to survive. Things that are common to us, for example, fresh air, clear water, fertile soil, rich vegetation or fossil fuels, might disappear in the near future!
In ecology, living on Earth without exhausting natural resources and destroying the environment, is referred to with the term sustainability. So, how can we live our daily lives in a ‘sustainable‘ way?
In your essay you can include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- How can we use less non-renewable, finite resources such as coal, petroleum, natural gas or metal?
- How can we use more renewable resources like wind power, solar energy, hydropower, geothermal energy, to power our homes and thus live in ‘green houses’?
- How can we use fewer goods and commodities (water, electricity, fuel, paper, food, etc.) that we use every day at home or at school? How can you convince your parents to do the same?
- What should you be taught at school to help you contribute to a better future in a less polluted world?
Tema 2014 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
How can we keep Planet Earth ‘green’ for the future generations?
Think green, speak green, act green and write an essay of max 250 words, in which you suggest an original way to use natural resources without polluting the environment.
Right now on Earth there are over 7 billion people and by 2050, we will reach a population of about 10 billion souls! There will be so many of us on this planet that we will have to become more and more creative to ensure our descendants all the natural resources they need to survive. Things that are common to us, for example, fresh air, clear water, fertile soil, rich vegetation or fossil fuels, might disappear in the near future!
In ecology, living on Earth without exhausting natural resources and destroying the environment is referred to with the term sustainability. So, how can we live our daily lives in a ‘sustainable’ way?
In your essay you can include or develop one or more of the following ideas:
- How can we reduce the consumption of resources (water, electricity, fuel, paper, food, etc.) that we use every day at home or at school?
- Our daily life includes many activities that lead to a greater consumption of resources, some of them are also polluting the environment, for example, driving cars. What solutions can you find in order for these activities to become less harmful to our planet?
- Modern families tend to buy more products than they consume. This way significant resources are used and ever growing amounts of waste, that pollute the planet, are being generated. What solutions can you find to determine people to become ‘rational consumers’ and reduce pollution?
- What should be changed or introduced in modern education to ensure children a better future in a less polluted world?
To understand why it is important to use natural resources wisely, and what eco-friendly alternatives we can opt for daily, watch the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5r4loXPyx8
Citeste AICI eseurile castigatoare ale acestei editii.
Editia 2014
Lansare: ianuarie 2014
- Peste 4000 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Tabere de vara de limba engleza in UK: Londra si Clifton College (in valoare de peste 1500 lire fiecare)
- eBook Readers Kindle, casti Sony
- Cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti, dictionare
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 350 de localitati)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Buciu Maria
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Baicu Diana Nicoleta. Citeste AICI despre experienta Dianei in tabara castigata la UCL.
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Onose Tudor si Marin Andrei David
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Popovici Angela si Nyerges Iuliana
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Bercu Irina Teodora
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Boca Andra si Dumitru Raluca
Profesor castigator: dna. profesor Catalina Georgescu.
Tema 2014 Essay Competition
Are freedom, happiness and health the notions that cross your mind when thinking about school? Are you ready to rewind, innovate and acquire a fresh approach to the educational system?
Watch the inspirational speech of Logan LaPlante, a teenager just like you, telling you about an innovative concept: Hack Schooling! Logan discovered the key to a different kind of education and a happy, healthy exciting life in which personal development is the pathway to success! Expand on his views of an educational system that teaches people the art of being happy in life.
Categoria 11-14 ani
Imagine that you have all the money, skills and resources in the world to create the IDEAL educational system. Watch the video below and write a 200-word composition to describe what school should teach you to provide you with real education and help you become a happy and successful person.
In your composition you can include:
- How you would change school.
- What new subjects would help you become a successful adult.
- What would the teachers teach you in order to make a real difference in your life?
Categoria 15-20 ani
We believe that the current school system is teaching you how to make a living, not a life. As George Santayana once said, a child educated only at school is actually an uneducated child. So, what if we made education about how to be Happy and Successful?
Imagine that you have all the money, skills and resources in the world to create the IDEAL educational system! Watch the TED video below and write an essay of max. 250 words in which you tell us what school should teach you to provide you with real education and help you become a happy and healthy person:
In your essay you can relate to the following questions:
- How would you reform the current educational system?
- What would the teachers teach you in order to make a real difference in your life?
- What type of skills would you acquire throughout school?
- What topics would help you become successful in life?
Citeste AICI eseurile castigatoare!
Editia 2013
Lansare: februarie 2013
- Peste 4400 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Tabere de vara de limba engleza in UK: Londra si Harrow House (in valoare de peste 1500 lire fiecare)
- Cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti, dictionare
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 350 de localitati)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Malcica Maria
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Petrica Lavinia Ioana
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Dumitru Elena Bianca
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Dinu Mircea si Dozsa Paula-Valentina
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Hodivoianu Alexandru
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Badeu Andreea
Tema 2013 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
Great news! The European Union has decided to start a country from scratch and you are the leader of this country. Of course, this is only pure imagination, but what if it were true? What if you could live in the Buckingham Palace, have dinner with Einstein, eat French food and Belgian truffles, while admiring the Colosseum from your bedroom window? What if the beautiful Greek sand was right in your back garden?
Write an essay about a new European country you would build and imagine you are its leader.
Please include:
- how you would like to call it
- two or three European icons you would take with you to this new country. What would they be? Why would you choose them and to what effect?
The icons you choose could be from any of these categories:
- landmarks/ famous places
- famous people (living or dead)
- food
- fashion
- cultural (stereo)types/ traditions
- literature
- science
- art
You should write no more than 250 words.
Send us your essay and you might just be the winner of our Essay Competition! Win a two-week summer camp in a famous British university campus! Let your imagination run free and make your dreams a reality!
Tema 2013 Essay Competition – Categoria 15-19 ani
Great news! The European Union has decided to start a country from scratch and you are the leader of this country. Of course, this is only pure imagination, but what if it were true? What if you could live in the Buckingham Palace, have dinner with Einstein, eat French food and Belgian truffles, while admiring the Colosseum from your bedroom window? What if the beautiful Greek sand was right in your back garden?
Write an essay about a new European country you would build and imagine you were its leader.
Please include:
- the name you have invented for it
- three or four icons of European origin you would take with you to this new country. What would they be? Why would you choose them and to what effect?
The icons you may choose could be from any of the categories below:
- landmarks/ famous places
- famous people (living or dead)
- food
- fashion
- cultural (stereo)types/ traditions
- literature
- science
- art
You should write no more than 350 words.
Send us your essay and you might just be the winner of our Essay Competition! Win a two-week summer camp in a famous British university campus! Let your imagination run free and make your dreams a reality!
Editia 2012
Lansare: februarie 2012
- Peste 4100 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Tabere de vara de limba engleza in UK: Cambridge, Oxford, Clifton College, Harrow House (in valoare de peste 1500 lire fiecare)
- Cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti, dictionare
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 350 de localitati)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Emanuel Lipciuc
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Raluca Maria Ciolca
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Laura Alexandra Ghitoi
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Bogdan Arosculesei
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Mihai Cristian si Andra Sabau
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Tudor Naconecinii si Teodora Fratila
Tema 2012 Essay Competition – Categoria 11-14 ani
Imagine you could live an extraordinary experience: you would be amazed to find out that, for one day, you could swap places with one of your parents. You would be your mother/father and the parent would become you! This is your chance to tell us about the most out of the ordinary and strangest events!
Tema 2012 Essay Competition – Categoria 15-19 ani
Could it be true, then, that conforming to nonconformism makes one a conformist?
Write an opinion essay of 350-500 words on the above-mentioned statement, give it an original title and blow our minds with your revolutionary take on breaking patterns! Prove that true ingenuity in pattern-breaking can make you the winner of an amazing summer school in the UK!
Editia 2011
Lansare: februarie 2011
- 5111 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- Scoli de vara de limba engleza in UK: Cambridge si Oxford (in valoare de peste 1500 euro)
- Cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti, dictionare
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 350 de localitati)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Andrada Tomoni
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Miruna Fulgeanu
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Olariu Razvan
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Brailescu Alexandru
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Rusan Tudor
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Alexe Theodora
Tema 2011 Essay Competition
In a society in which the basic tenet is that Money makes the world go round, what is the meaning of volunteering? Are the people who get involved in volunteering programmes utopians? Do you honestly believe that volunteering brings advantages to both volunteers and the assisted ones?
Write an essay of maximum 500 words, give it a catchy title and offer enough reasons to convince us that volunteering can change our society for the better.
Editia 2010
Lansare: Martie 2010
- 3100 de eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din intreaga tara
- Premii:
- scoli de vara de limba engleza in UK – Cambridge si Oxford (in valoare de peste 1500 euro)
- cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti, dictionare
- Amploare: nationala (participanti din peste 350 de localitati)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Ruxandra Mindru
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Alexandru Lungu
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Cucu Mihai
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Neicu Mircea
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 14 ani: Olariu Razvan
- categoria 15 – 19 ani: Orasanu Andra
Editia 2009
Lansare: Mai 2009
- Peste 200 eseuri in limba engleza primite de la tineri din Capitala si din toata tara
- Premii: cursuri de vara de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, carti, dictionare
- Amploare: nationala (participanti de la Suceava la Corabia, din Maramures pana la Faurei, Buzau, Brasov, Cluj, Arad, Constanta, Craiova, etc)
- Castigatori Premiul I:
- categoria 11 – 13 ani: Andreea Itu
- categoria 14 – 25 ani: Irina Mihaela Ciortan
- Castigatori Premiul II:
- categoria 11 – 13 ani: Teodora Stoenescu
- categoria 14 – 25 ani: Criste Raluca Octavia
- Castigatori Premiul III:
- categoria 11 – 13 ani: Alin Petre Negutoiu
- categoria 14 – 25 ani: Irina Ene