Astazi il cunoastem pe Andrei Croitoru. Are 13 ani si este cursant la Shakespeare School de doi ani. Teacher Cosmin Muscalescu, care-l “antreneaza” la limba engleza, la Shakespeare School, ne-a povestit cu mult entuziasm despre pasiunea lui Andrei pentru baschet. Am aflat, apoi, ca Andrei scrie foarte frumos si l-am lasat pe el sa ne povesteasca mai multe despre talentul sau. A scris povestea si in romana si in engleza. Va lasam sa o descoperiti.
Sunt Andrei Croitoru si incepand din clasa a 3-a, parinti m-au dat la baschet, sa fac miscare, pentru ca eram cam dolofan. Atunci am primit si primul echipament cumparat de parinti, pe care l-au personalizat cu numele meu – ANDREI si numarul 10, adica notele pe care trebuia sa le iau la scoala. Primii bascheti nu au fost profesionali, dar nu a contat.
Anul acesta fac 5 ani de cand joc baschet. Clubul nu este cunoscut cum sunt Steaua, Dinamo sau Rapid, dar acum jucam in campionat pentru locul 1-16 si daca vom castiga inca 3 meciuri vom juca pentru locul 1- 8 in campionatul U14 al Federatiei Romane de Baschet.
Timpul meu este destul de limitat mai ales ca am 4 antrenamente pe saptamna, dintre care unul este antrenament de forta si rezistenta, iar in weekend avem meciuri. Fata de colegi mei de clasa am mai putin timp de joaca sau de lectii. Temele mi le fac in timpul saptamanii si in weekend. Parintii ma bat la cap sa-mi fac lectiile, ca nu am timp sa le fac cand vreau eu. Meditatii la romana matematica, fizica si chimie nu fac. Ma ajuta parintii.
Cred ca spo
rtul de echipa te face mai sociabil, intelegi ca fara coechipier nu reusesti, inveti sa fii eficient, mai ales atunci cand iti faci bagajul cu care pleci in cantonament. Pe mine m-a ajutat sa devin mai responsabil si mai ordonat.
Pana in prezent, am 5 medalii cu echipa de baschet si o cupa la TIR cu pusca. Prima poza de echipa a fost acum doi ani cand am jucat in campionatul de mini baschet organizat la Targu Mures.
Baschetul este cea mai mare pasiune a mea si sper sa pot sa merg inainte cu rezultate bune atat la scoala cat si in acest sport. In viitor, mi-ar placea sa devin doctor. Voi incerca sa continui sa joc baschet cel putin pana cand dau la facultate, mai ales ca unele universitati din afara cauta elevi buni care practica si un sport. Daca vreau sa studiez si sa lucrez in afara, engleza va fi a doua mea limba, la fel de importanta ca romana. Stiu ca daca vorbesc foarte bine engleza, voi avea usile deschise in orice tara.Inchei cu un gand care pe mine ma motiveaza sa fac ceea ce imi place – orice lucru facut cu pasiune va fi un lucru bine facut si o placere. Sper sa va motiveze si pe voi.
name is Andrei Croitoru and since the 3rd grade, my parents took me to play basketball. They wanted me to do some work out because I was a little chubby. This was a good opportunity to have my first equipment. My parents bought it for me and customized it with my name ANDREI next to number 10 – the marks that I was supposed to receive at school. The first sneakers were not professional but I really didn’t care that much.
It’s been 5 years since I started playing basketball. The club is not as famous as Steaua, Dinamo or Rapid, but we are playing in the championship for 1st – 16th place and if we win 3 more games, we will play for 1st – 8th place in U14 Championship of the Romanian Federation of Basketball.
My time is rather limited, especially as I have 4 workouts per week, one of which is a strength and endurance training and on weekends we have games. Unlike my classmates, I have less time to play or do my homework. I study during the week and on weekends. I don’t take private Romanian, mathematics, physics or chemistry lessons because my parents help me with these subjects.
I really think a team sport makes you more sociable, it helps you understand the importance of a team player, it makes you more efficient in preparing your luggage for championships and so on. It made me more responsible and tidy.
Up until now, I have won 5 medals with the basketball team and a cup in rifle shooting. My first team picture was taken two years ago when I played in the mini basketball championship held in Targu Mures.
Basketball is my greatest passion and I hope I can continue with both my studies, and my basketball training. When I grow up, I would like to become a doctor. I will try to play basketball until I’m off to college, especially since most foreign Universities are looking for well prepared students who are also good sportsmen. If I want to study and work abroad, English will have to become my second “native” language. I’m sure that many doors will open for me if I speak very good English.
You know what they say… do what you love, love what you do. I strongly believe in this idea, don’t you?