
Steps to Successful Writing (1)

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             Good writing skills are vital for good communication. No matter what we write, our message should be clear and concise. How do we achieve this? The answer is, mainly, by much practise, advanced grammar knowledge and mastery of complex vocabulary and structures.  Writing skills also go hand in hand with critical thinking skills and developing one will enhance the other!


Roughly, critical thinking implies approaching a matter by multiple perspectives.  Applied in writing, such skills lead to the creation of original content, rather than just reporting common knowledge.

Here are a few tips if you want to approach writing from the perspective of critical thinking:

  • Question! Questions help you identify the ‘specifics’ of a topic and prevent you from being too vague.
  • Research! Nobody can write about something they are totally unfamiliar with, so familiarize yourself with the subject.
  • Analyse! Find flaws and connections between the ideas others have issued on the topic you are researching. Come up with your own deductions and ideas.
  • Assess! What is your approach? What ideas, out of everything you have found out, will you include in your paper? Think it all through and adapt it to the format and word-limit, if you are given any.

           Put you skills in practice and sign in our Shakespeare School Essay Competition. The 8th edition has already started, so submit your essay and become this year’s lucky winner of a summer camp to the UK!

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Shakespeare School și-a creat o metodă de predare a limbii engleze inovatoare, care reprezintă o aplicare originală a Teoriei Inteligențelor Multiple. 

Ce înseamnă, concret, metoda noastră?
Profesorii identifică și adaptează atmosfera din clasă și activitățile, astfel încât ele să răspundă intereselor și aptitudinilor fiecărui cursant în parte. Folosim o mare varietate de resurse pentru a oferi calea cea mai rapidă și ușoară spre învățare luând în considerare darul fiecărui cursant în parte.

Descoperă și tu metoda Shakespeare School în cadrul lecțiilor demo de limba engleză!

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