Eseu finalist 15-19 ani- special BONUS (Vlad Maria)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream – by Vlad Maria, 15 years old, CN Gheorghe Lazar Sibiu Oberon and Titania, Hermia, Helena, Lysander and Demetrius, do these names sound familiar to you? Sending letters to your lover, because your father forbids you to see him, eloping…have you ever done that? We should try again! Are Facebook, hi5, […]

Eseu finalist categoria 11-14 ani- special BONUS (Petrache Bianca)

A beautiful dream– by Petrache Bianca, 12 years old, School no.149 I was enjoying myself picking flowers on a splendid meadow, listening to the birds singing their love songs, watching the butterflies flying around and the busy bees looking for juicy pollen……when I heard some commotion coming from the river bank. What was happening??? I […]

Castigatorii Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2010

Shakespeare School a premiat joi cele mai bune eseuri din totalul celor 3.100 trimise la concursul de creaţie “2010 Shakespeare School Essay Competition“, premiile cele mari constând în participări la şcoli de vară de limba engleză, timp de două săptămâni, în Anglia, în valoare de peste 1.500 de euro. Multumim tuturor finalistilor si parintilor acestora […]