Jocuri si engleza ALTFEL la Bucuresti Mall
Shakespeare School te asteapta duminica, 27 iunie la un altfel de workshop de engleza: jocuri de miscare, competitii, cantecele si dialoguri cu papusi, totul creat in jurul metodei invata ENGLEZA ALTFEL. Alaturi de doi profesori ai Shakespeare School, copiii intre 4 si 11 ani pot experimenta o lectie de engleza gratuita intr-o locatie inedita: […]
Eseu castigator 11-14 ani- Premiul Special (Andreea Iuga)
THE WINDOW WHICH IS OPEN- by Andreea Iuga, a student at Scoala Ferdinand n0. 64, Bucharest On an ordinary school day I wake up at half past six as usual in order to get ready for school. But this school year is not an ordinary one for me. Actually, I’m a bit scared because I’m […]
Eseu castigator 15-19 ani- premiu special (Ioana Stumbea)
One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind- by Ioana Madalina Stumbea a student at CN Mihail Sadoveanu, Pascani Thousands of years ago, one brave man tried and managed to tame fire; hundreds of years ago another one had the courage to stand up and rightfully claim that the Earth wasn’t in the […]