Eseu castigator 15-19 ani – Mentiune (Arghiropol Maria Radiana)

A world of asymmetries, by Maria Radiana  Arghiropol, student at National College, Iasi My name is Light. You must know me. I have been there, within you, and I have lifted your soul in such a way that for a fragment of second you could not even feel your body. You could not explain it, […]

Eseu castigator 11-14 ani – Mentiune (Mocanu Bogdan)

The fake perfect world, by Bogdan Mocanu, student at School no. 2, Brasov Everyone wants to live in the perfect world, even if we know that this is impossible.  Most people think the perfect world is the one in which they’ve got a lot of money without doing something to earn them. In our world […]

Naveta de la Pitesti la Shakespeare School in Bucuresti

Alexandru Vlad Rusu, in varsta de 14 ani, face naveta de la Pitesti la Shakespeare School in Bucuresti pentru a invata limba engleza altfel! Totul a inceput din dorinta de verificare si de aprofundare a nivelului de cunostinte a limbii engleze. Asadar, cautand pe Internet a gasit site-ul centrului nostru de invatare a limbii engleze […]
