2014 Shakespeare School Essay Competition si-a desemnat semifinalistii!

Din cele peste 3000 de eseuri primite, juriul Shakespeare School a ales 15 semifinalisti pentru fiecare categorie de varsta – 11-14 ani si 15-20 de ani. Misiunea profesorilor a fost dificila, pentru ca, de la an la an, eseurile sunt tot mai creative si non-conformiste. Iar anul acesta, participantii au avut de scris despre un […]

WRITE your way to success(16)

Tips to improve your Interview Performance Only a few hours left until we all find out who the finalists of the year’s Essay Competition are! As you may already know, the finalists of our Shakespeare School Essay Competition are invited for an Interview at our location on Tokio Street, no. 9, this year on May […]
