
Winning essay "Study Abroad- I CAN!" contest- 3rd prize

Computer Science Personal Statement- Nedelcu Adina Ioana

Computers are an invaluable tool for knowledge, offering instant access to information. Today’s society is changing faster than ever and technology is playing a key role in shaping it. I want to follow a career path in ICT because I wish to shape the world of tomorrow. What has always fascinated me about computers is their reliability and precision, doing exactly what I ask them to do. If one of my algorithms malfunctions, I retrace my steps and look for my errors, constantly wanting to improve myself and create more efficient algorithms. When my program finally works, I am proud of what I have managed to achieve. I discovered my interest for ICT when I participated in a Pascal programming course in the 7th-8th grade. During high school I switched to C++ programming while independently exploring image editing programs such as Gimp, Microsoft Expression Design and Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator. I have always been an ambitious person. Therefore, during secondary school, I participated in various Math (but also ICT, Physics and Chemistry) competitions because I loved challenges. At the same time, I have always sought new methods of solving the exercises instead of settling for the “standard” method. Mathematics has played a fundamental part in my life. I enjoy viewing a task from various points of view before deciding on the best approach. The solid notions I have accumulated during Math classes helped me understand the logic behind the algorithms used in C++ and other programming languages that derive from it. However, I evolved tremendously during my high school years. By taking part in projects (such as Comenius and IasiMun/Model United Nations), I have learned to work in teams and divide the tasks equally between me and my colleagues. Comenius taught me to constantly develop my creativeness while IasiMun made me realize that my actions can have a great impact on the world around me. I have also participated in projects that prepared me for my career of choice. For example, Leonardo da Vinci offered me the opportunity to learn about web design, therefore improving my knowledge about HTML/CSS/My SQL. By applying for Millennium Youth Camp I learned to be organized and work under deadlines. While doing the research for the project I understood the importance of ethics when it comes to designing software. One of my hobbies is learning foreign languages. Knowing as many languages as possible offers just as many possibilities of exploring the world around me. Therefore, I am currently studying to obtain the Cambridge (C1) and DELE (B2) language certificates and I plan to improve my French and study German in the near future. Software developing is the field I want to study because I am fascinated by the possibilities of programming. One day (if the technological breakthroughs will allow it), I wish to construct a software engine capable of using and learning languages dynamically – replicating human learning. By studying abroad I will evolve both professionally and personally. Firstly, I will have access to more resources (technology, books) than I would normally have in my native country. Secondly, by attending your university, I will meet students from various cultural backgrounds, therefore enriching my university experience. Furthermore, the collection of courses available will help me become an efficient software developer. In conclusion, I want to apply to your university because I believe the courses you provide are essential for my career path and development. The Computer Science classes will offer me the opportunity to develop my software programming skills and learn from dedicated teachers and undergraduates sharing the same interests in ICT.

Acest eseu este castigatorul premiului al III-lea ca urmare a participarii la concursul “Study Abroad: I CAN!” organizat in parteneriat cu site-ul Tema concursului: “Imagine you are applying to a prestigious British University. Write a 600- 800 word personal statement that would make you stand out of thousands of other students!” Premiul a constat intr-o reducere de 50% la Main Course– trainingul general de un week-end din cadrul Destination UK (in valoare de 150 RON). Congratulations, you CAN study abroad!

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Shakespeare School și-a creat o metodă de predare a limbii engleze inovatoare, care reprezintă o aplicare originală a Teoriei Inteligențelor Multiple. 

Ce înseamnă, concret, metoda noastră?
Profesorii identifică și adaptează atmosfera din clasă și activitățile, astfel încât ele să răspundă intereselor și aptitudinilor fiecărui cursant în parte. Folosim o mare varietate de resurse pentru a oferi calea cea mai rapidă și ușoară spre învățare luând în considerare darul fiecărui cursant în parte.

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