Celelalte talente ale cursantilor nostri…in afara de engleza!
Portret: Maria Dumitru Dupa cum deja stiti, echipa noastra de la Shakespeare School sustine si promoveaza atat invatarea limbii engleze intr-un mediu cat mai agreabil pentru copii, cat si dezvoltarea interpersonala a cursantilor nostri. Tocmai de aceea, ne-am propus sa va prezentam pe cativa dintre juniorii nostri care se remarca prin talent, harnicie si seriozitate […]
Happy April Fools' Day!
April 1st is April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day! In many parts of the world people play tricks to each other, be they pranks or simply practical jokes. In Britain, Australia and South Africa, the tricks last only until noon, and if you play a trick after noon you are called an “April fool”, […]
Winning essay "Study Abroad- I CAN!" contest- 3rd prize
Computer Science Personal Statement- Nedelcu Adina Ioana Computers are an invaluable tool for knowledge, offering instant access to information. Today’s society is changing faster than ever and technology is playing a key role in shaping it. I want to follow a career path in ICT because I wish to shape the world of tomorrow. What […]